The technologies we use to build better software in less time.

Front-End Development

We leverage cutting-edge front-end development tools to create responsive and dynamic user interfaces. Our expertise includes using Blazor, React, Angular, HTML, and Vue to build robust and engaging web applications. These technologies enable us to deliver seamless user experiences, ensuring that your applications are both visually appealing and highly functional. By staying current with the latest trends and best practices, we provide front-end solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Back-End Development

Our backend services are designed to ensure robust and scalable applications. We specialize in using Ruby on Rails and .NET for powerful and reliable development. Additionally, we utilize Docker to containerize applications, enabling seamless deployment and scalability. Our backend solutions focus on performance, security, and maintainability, providing the strong foundation your applications need to deliver value. By leveraging these technologies, we deliver efficient, high-quality software that meets your business requirements.

Cloud Native Development & Hosting

We harness the power of leading cloud environments, including Azure and AWS, to deliver scalable and secure solutions. Our expertise covers a wide range of cloud technologies such as Service Bus, Azure Functions, Key Vault, EC2, Lambdas, RDS, S3 and more.

Website Content Management Systems (CMS)

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Mobile App Development

We develop for both iOS and Android platforms. Utilizing cutting-edge tools like React Native and .NET MAUI, we create seamless, cross-platform applications. Our expertise ensures that your mobile apps are not only intuitive and user-friendly but also robust and high-performing. By leveraging these advanced technologies, we deliver solutions that provide exceptional mobile experiences.

Databases & Business Intelligence

We leverage powerful databases and business intelligence tools to manage and analyze your data effectively. Our expertise includes sql and no-sql databases: Microsoft Sql Server, Cosmos DB, Postgres, DyanmoDB, Azure Sql, Power BI.

These technologies enable us to provide scalable, secure, and efficient data solutions that drive insightful decision-making and enhance business operations.


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